Thursday, June 30, 2011

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Part 11)

Let us consider what Fr. John Croiset tells us are the effects of the perfect love of Jesus.  The effects are many.  Let us look first at love of the poor:

"Among Christ's followers the poor stand in a special relation to Jesus Christ, they wear His livery; so when we assist them, it is Jesus Christ Himself that we assist in their person. It is, then, evident that charity towards the poor should be  an ordinary effect of true love for Jesus Christ.  This love for Jesus Christ should inspire us not only with compassion for the poor, it should inspire us also with love and respect for them; such love for Jesus Christ has induced even great kings to serve His poor with their own hands."


  1. How few there are who think of the poor in our age.
    The poor have not fact they are growing in number.
    What sort of age are we in where the accumulation of wealth is fought for and protected while humans who are struggling, weakened, in mental anguish, lonely, elderly, and unborn are cast aside.
    Why is life not the greatest treasure for all human persons in our land?

    The Sacred Heart of Jesus passionately beckons humanity to come to Him. He wants us to know how to love without reserve and without exception.

  2. Dear Bilbo,
    Well said. The Sacred Heart of Jesus leads us to not only think of the poor, but love them and serve them with our own hands.
    Thank you for the comment.
    A blessed feast of the Sacred Heart,
