Friday, August 26, 2011

NYT: Christianity scares us

                                     I used to believe in that stuff myself

Possibly because they are shockingly ignorant about it.  Example:  Bill Keller, NYT's Executive Editor, (presumably one of the smarter ones), says Rick Santorum is "affiliated with (a) fervid subset of evangelical Christianity."

What Keller calls a "fervid subset of evangelical Christianity" is better known to many as the Catholic Church.

UPDATE:  Turns out, Keller was raised Catholic.   He attended a Catholic grammar school and high school, and, as he writes elsewhere in the above article:

"Every faith has its baggage, and every faith holds beliefs that will seem bizarre to outsiders.  I grew up believing that a priest could turn a bread wafer into the actual flesh of Christ."

Keller describes himself as "a collapsed Catholic," which, according to Keller, means "well beyond lapsed." These words were written in 2002, and the collapse must have just happened, because Keller was married in Holy Name of Jesus Church  on Manhattan's Upper West Side in 1999.

In any event, sounds like Bill Keller has forgotten more than anybody else at the NYT will ever know about Catholicism.

Let us pray to St. Francis de Sales, the patron saint of journalists, that Mr. Keller recovers the beliefs he grew up with.

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